The Best Refrigerator Model

french door refrigerator reviews

If you are searching for the best refrigerator, you do not have to mind as there are different models out there that have been created to meet the needs of each household. In order to make the right choice, here are a few models that you need to choose from.

Top freezer

This is a good option if you are searching for a fridge with a lot of storage space. These will in most cases offer enough space for the size which will in most cases range from 30 -33 inches. Many manufacturers will claim that the fridge has a capacity of 22 foot.

Bottom freezers

These have a width of 30-36 inches. Many of their manufacturers suggest that they have a capacity of 30 cubic foot. However, the usable space is a bit less as compared to that of the top freezers.

French doors

The French model seems to be the most popular type right now. However, before you buy one, it would be advisable to go through French door refrigerator review. This will help you to understand whether this is the best model that is suited to your needs. The French door is characterized by 2 narrow doors that are on top and a freezer that is below. At times, it will have a drawer in-between. The fridge has a width of 30-36 inches and a claimed capacity of 30 cubic feet. However, the usable space is smaller as compared to that of the top freezers.

Many of these models will come in different capacities and sizes. Before you choose to buy the best refrigerator, it is advisable to measure where you will be planning to put the fridge. Also ensure that it is able to fit through your doorway. You should also ensure that there is enough room for the door of the refrigerator to swing open.